Wednesday, May 26, 2010

lets celebrate... WORLD MILK'S DAY!

This year will be the 3rd year Dutch Lady celebrating World Milk Day and in support of The World Milk's Day, dutch Lady is having Malaysia Book of Records attempt breaking for "The Biggest Milk-Drinking Event Ever" in this coming Sunday @ Pavilion KL.

Besides the attempt breaking part which take place in the morning (make sure you come before 10.30am for the registration ya!), you can come and enjoy a full day of activities there! Catch up with supermodels Amber Chia & Syakella, Alif Satar of "One in a Million" & Dayana "Idola Kecil", Cai Lin (Malaysia Olympic Swimmer), Reshmonu, YAWA-ECO-DRUM, Najwa and many many more celebrities. I hear that there are very limited goodies bag to be given away, packed with really great stuff for those who join the record attempt breaking.

For more info, join the FB page at
and keep track on all the updates leading towards 30th May event and the follow up from the event!


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