Tuesday, May 25, 2010

back to the creator

In going through depression, one may ask "Oh God, why are you punishing me with all of this?? Why do YOU test me with this disaster?This horrible feeling, this chaos?? I cannot bear this life anymore if you keep testing me.."
Always remember, “God will never place a burden on a soul that it can not bear”.. Even when the unthinkable happends, and it shakens your faith in him.. Just Remember That it is a test or a reminder to be good in the future and to be reminded of the mistaken past.

Life is one difficulty after another. One task after another, one issue after another. However, it is important to know that while life tests us, there is ease after hardship. There is the ease of death after the hardship of life, there is ease of sleep after the hardships of the day, there is ease of retirement after the hardship of a career, and everything has a high and a low. What goes up, must come down, likewise, Tough times only mean, the times of ease are near. The Quran teaches, "The morning light after the stillness of darknesswhen its dark everything seems still as if it will never go away. The fact is nothing remains forever and nothing remains the same. So, after every time of difficulty there is ease. The Quran teaches, “There is ease after hardship, Indeed there is ease after hardship
and so,when we go through difficult times, when we have a financial loss, when we lose a loved one, when we struck by bad times, it brings out the real humanness in us, and we begin to ask the very questions that are most fundamental to us, “Why are we here?”, “why me????”, “What happened to all my plans and dreams???" We learn the frailty of our humanness.
and thus, the Prophet told us to lat the ones who are less fortunate then you, not at the ones are more fortunate then you.

Sometimes, we cry a little and say you are not in control, so how are you going to fix this...?You feel helpless and in pain. You fell angry and ashamed..A feeling that we are not in controla and so, you should embrace that you are not in control at the moment. You should embrace your lack of control over your situation.
Perhaps, it’s a good time to turn to the One Who does control everything. All we ask is you is to, try this… pray to God, even if you don’t believe in God, pray to Him, talk to Him, and you will feel so comforted in your heart. Tell God that you know He is in control. Cry to him. We are taught that by turning to God, we restore ourselves like a dying plant becomes green with water. As an experiment, do this on blind faith and see if it works, say, “All admiration belongs to you, if good comes to me its from you, and if some trouble comes to me its from you, I submit to you, and this situation to you.” Say this even if you do not believe in God, and see how you feel in the inside.


a choice is like putting a seed in the ground that may bare fruit. You put the seed, and the unseen forces bring the rain. Work on what you can do, you can sow the seed, you can make the right choices, and you can start to work in a direction that you want to move in.

As long as one believes in a loving God, one has a reason to be optimistic. Belief can give you the ability to handle all sorts of difficult situations. It can give a person the ability to see the positive in the overwhelmingly negative situation.


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